Welcome to the new Henry Schein Ash Arcona Website

Thank you for choosing us as your online Total Solution Provider.

If you are having trouble logging into the online store, here are a few suggestions to try...

  1. If you have an online account at both www.ashtemple.com and www.hsa.ca and have previously purchased online from Henry Schein Arcona, please use your Henry Schein Arcona username and password to log in.

  2. If you have an online account at both www.ashtemple.com and www.hsa.ca and have NOT previously purchased online from Henry Schein Arcona, you can log in using your Henry Schein Arcona account number and your Ash Temple password.

  3. If you are an Ash Temple customer only and do not have an online account with Henry Schein Arcona, we would ask that you please sign up and create a new account. You will then receive your login and password within 24 hours (Monday through Friday).

  4. If you are a Henry Schein Arcona customer only, please use your Henry Schein Arcona username and password to log in.

If these steps do not solve your issue, please call our online technical support at 1-877-550-4422 or email ArubaWebSupport@hsa.ca.