Release 3.2
Thank you for selecting ARUBA, the Healthcare Professional's Ordering System from Henry Schein Ash Arcona Inc.
Using this guide will enable you to navigate the ARUBA system. You will see how to install your software and set up your account. You will learn how to fill out order forms, access your personal history, do speed entries, create personalized shopping lists and conduct item searches. You will view Henry Schein Ash Arcona catalogue items and be updated on new items. Finally you will be able to print your order and fax directly to our Customer Service Department for prompt processing.
Please click on a link below to learn more about the ARUBA Sytem: |
System Requirements |
Installation |
Registration and Initial Start-Up |
User Setup |
Setting Up Customized Codes |
Navigating ARUBA |
Placing an Order |
Conducting a Search |
Table of Contents Tab Search |
Products Tab Search |
Transferring Items to Your Order |
Sending Your Order |
Using Speed Entry |
Shopping Lists |
Order History |
What's New Menu / News Bulletins |
Printing from the ARUBA System |
Exit the ARUBA System |
System Requirements To run ARUBA, you will need:
An IBM-compatible computer with a mouse. Microsoft Windows® 3.1 or higher. A 486 (or above) processor with 4 MB of memory; 8MB to use the "Fuzzy Search" feature. A hard disk with at least 30 MB of free space. A CD-ROM drive. A printer and a fax machine, or a fax modem.
NOTE: This product can only be used to order from Henry Schein Ash Arcona Inc.
Installation Insert the ARUBA CD into the CD ROM drive
For Windows® 3.x: Select "Run" from the Program Manager File menu. Type "d:\cdsetup.exe" or whatever letter is used for your CD-ROM drive. Press ENTER or click "OK" , and follow the directions. Please use the defaults recommended, as this will aid in future tech support if necessary. For Windows® 9x or Windows® NT:
Double click on the "My Computer" icon on the desktop and locate the CD icon. Double click again to open the CD file and choose the cdsetup.exe icon and follow the directions. Please use the defaults recommended, as this will aid in future tech support if necessary.
There will be two installations that will occur, and both will happen automatically in the installation process. The first will be the actual program, and the second will the Dental catalogue information. You must have the catalogue installed in order to use ARUBA.
If for some reason the setup program does not run or you have other problems, please contact ARUBA Tech Support at the number listed below.
Please do not attempt to reinstall or delete files without contacting ARUBA Tech Support for assistance. Should you encounter a problem with ARUBA, we will make every effort to solve that problem and correct it in the next release of ARUBA. You may contact our ARUBA Tech Support Team:
Phone: 1-877-550-4422 Fax: 1-877-559-6252
Registration and Initial Start-Up The first time you start ARUBA:
Open ARUBA by clicking on your "Start" button, scroll up to "Programs" and select "ARUBA. Choose the first ARUBA icon in the menu, the program will open. You will be prompted to enter the user ID and security password. Please enter the default User ID "ADMIN," and the password "ADMIN," click "OK." You may use the TAB or ENTER keys to move from the User ID to the Password, Press the ENTER key or click on the OK button with the mouse. To skip this logon screen in the future, place an X in the box marked "Do not display this screen again." ARUBA will present the Enrollment Screen. Enter the Ship-to and Bill-to information in the dialog box; this information can be changed later through the Order, Catalogue screen.
User Setup Only the system Administrator has the right to create additional users, as follows:
Open the Tools Menu; click on "User Setup." Highlight the system Administrator, then click the "Copy" button. The "Enter New User ID" screen will appear. Enter the new user's ID and password. Confirm the password by re-entering it in the "Confirm Password" box. Click "OK." Open the Tools Menu; click on "System Setup" Place an X in the box marked "Show the Sign-On dialog at start-up" Click "OK."
Setting Up Customized Codes You can add your own codes for any items in the ARUBA catalogue. To add Customized Codes, open the "Tools Menu," click on "Customized Code Setup":
Double click on the line and then type the name you wish to call the item. Press the TAB key. Type in the Henry Schein Ash Arcona item code. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for additional codes. Click "Done" to accept. Click "Cancel" to exit the screen.
Navigating ARUBA The header bar in your ARUBA window will display the name of the user who is using the system. You can navigate the ARUBA system in either of two ways:
1) by Menu selections Located across the screen directly below the header is a menu bar with pull-down menus.
2) by Icons Below the menu bar is a row of icons and the catalogue selection box.
Placing An Order Locating Your Items
Henry Schein Ash Arcona offers a variety of catalogues, depending on your healthcare profession. These include: Dental, Medical and Veterinary. Each catalogue is designed to include the items your profession regularly uses. Should an item not be found in your catalogue, you may add the item through the Comment Button on the Order Form Tab.
Open the catalogue by clicking on the "Catalogue" Icon.
You will see three tabs just below the row of icons:
Order Form Table of Contents Products The Order Form Tab displays the billing and shipping addresses of the currently selected office, a box for inserting a purchase order number is available. Use the down arrows at the right side of the boxes to view your possible selections. To enter items for which you have the Henry Schein Ash Arcona item code, double click in the item box, enter the item code and use the ENTER or TAB keys to advance to the quantity box. Enter the quantity amount and press the ENTER or TAB keys to add that item to the order. You may continue adding additional items in this way.
Conducting a Search If you do not have the Henry Schein Ash Arcona item code, you can search for it easily by selecting the Table of Contents or Products Tab. |
Table of Contents Tab Search The Table of Contents Tab lets you search in a way similar to using the Henry Schein Ash Arcona printed catalogues. First, choose to select items from the entire catalogue on disk or items from your personal purchase history as it accumulates.
Click once on the round button to choose the group of products you wish to search - the complete catalogue or only those items from your personal purchase history. Click on the Table of Contents of your choice in the left box. A selection of associated sub-tables will appear in the right box. Click once on the sub-table of your choice and once on the Select button. The computer will search for the products and automatically display them on the Products tab.
Products Tab Search The Products tab upper display box will show eight products at a time. Use the arrows on the right side of the box to scroll throughout the selected item. You may view additional information by clicking on the four tabs across the lower portion of the screen:
Description - Displays the Henry Schein Ash Arcona item code and additional descriptive information of the product. The CD-ROM includes pictures of many products. If a picture is available, a camera icon appears to the right of the extended description box. You may click on the camera icon to view the picture of that product.
Manufacturer - displays the Henry Schein Ash Arcona item code, the manufacturer's name and the manufacturer's part number or identifier.
Price - Displays the Henry Schein Ash Arcona item code and any catalogue bulk or quantity price breaks. Note: prices may vary depending of last version of disc printing and does not show a current sale price.
Purchase - Displays the Henry Schein Ash Arcona item code, last year's total quantity purchased, this year's to-date total quantity purchased, and the six most recent purchase dates and the quantities for your office.
The Find Button
Additional items can be found by clicking on the "Find" button located at the lower left part of the Products tab and choosing a new set of search criteria. The box next to the Find button displays the criteria that were used to make the most recent product search. The Find selection criteria box contains these three categories:
Catalogue - Will perform a search against all items within the selected catalogue.
Purchase History - will perform a search against all items you have previously purchased from the current catalogue and office. (Note: Purchase History will only include all items purchased during the current and previous year of business with Henry Schein Ash Arcona using the ARUBA system.)
After selecting from the above, you can then choose to search for an item by description, manufacturer or one of the product code searches - Henry Schein Ash Arcona item code, manufacturer's item code or you own customized code. When the appropriate selections are made, click on the "Find" button to activate your search.
ARUBA has two kinds of description searches. For those computers with 8MB or more of RAM, the "Fuzzy Search" will search for up to three unique words anywhere in the description. For systems with only 4 MB of RAM, the search will look for items whose description begin with the word you have entered.
Whenever the Find dialog box is displayed, it will be pre-filled with the last search criteria entered. To clear the previous search information, press the "Reset" button. To display all Catalogue Items in the Products tab, click on the "Find" icon, click on the "Reset" button, and click on the "Find" button - perform a search with no criteria. |
Transferring Items To Your Order After locating your products, click once in the "Order Quantity" box on the left side of the display. Enter the Quantity you wish to order. Use the mouse or arrow keys to scroll to any additional products that you with to order from this section. When all the quantities are entered, hit the ENTER key and the items will be transferred to your order. |
Sending Your Order When you're ready to send your order, click on the "Print" icon. You may then fax the printed copy of your order to Henry Schein Ash Arcona or via the computer's fax modem, depending on how your system is set up. Note: this system is not on-line direct to Henry Schein Ash Arcona, your order must be faxed in order for our customer service department to process your order. Fax 1-877-559-6252
Although the procedure for accessing the fax module from ARUBA is the same regardless of which communications software you use, navigation and features within the various communications packages can differ considerably. Please refer to the manual that came with your fax software for details on your specific fax software.
Using Speed Entry The Speed Entry option is designed for rapid input of an order when the item codes and quantities are known. It consists of two columns, Item Code and Quantity. When the Speed Entry box is displayed, the cursor is automatically in the first Item Code input box. Descriptions and prices are not displayed.
To use Speed Entry:
Select the Speed Entry menu item from the Order menu or click on the Speed Entry icon in the Toolbar. Enter a Henry Schein Ash Arcona item code. Press the TAB or ENTER key. Enter the quantity you would like to order. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to enter more items. To change or delete an item, highlight the item. To change it, simply type over it. To delete the item, press the DELETE key on your keyboard.
To exit without saving, click on the "Cancel" button
To add items to the order, click on the "OK" button
Item codes entered via Speed Entry can be validated once they are added to the Order Form. |
Shopping Lists The ARUBA Shopping List feature lets you maintain lists of frequently ordered Items and "default" Order Quantities. You can transfer Items from Shopping Lists to an Order Form individually, or you can move your entire list at once. You can use the Default Quantities or edit the Order Quantity manually.
To Create a New Shopping List
Select the Shopping Lists menu item from the Order menu. Click on the "New" button. Enter a unique Shopping List name. Click on the "OK" button. Click in the "Item" input box of the first line in the shopping list. Enter a Henry Schein Ash Arcona Item Code and press the TAB key. Enter the normal order (Default) quantity for the item and press the tab key. Repeat steps 5 through 7 for any additional items to appear on the Shopping List. Click the "Close" button to exit the Shopping List Maintenance dialog box.
Order History You can check on the status of any order through the ARUBA order history:
Access order history by clicking on the "Order History" icon. The order history display shows your most recent order. Use the DOWN ARROW to scroll to additional orders. You can view the details of an individual order by clicking on the order to highlight it, then click on the "Details Button". The status of each line item can be checked in this way.
Creating a Shopping List through Order History
You can also create a Shopping List through Order History. The Order History feature displays the contents and status of each order you have placed with Henry Schein Ash Arcona. Once you are placing orders using the ARUBA system, all orders will appear in your history provide you select the "Add to History" selection when concluding your order.
Use the shopping list feature to create specific lists of groups of products that you order on a regular basis. Create patient specific lists, procedure specific lists or time specific lists.
To copy the order history details to a shopping list:
Click on the "Copy To Shopping List" button. Enter a unique Shopping List Name in the New Shopping List Window. Click on the "OK" button. ARUBA will display a message box confirming that the order items were copied.
What's New Menu/News Bulletins This feature displays additional information to ARUBA customers such as:
Terms and Conditions Returns Policy Welcome Messages Other Henry Schein Ash Arcona announcements. View a News Bulletin
Click on the News Bulletins menu item from the What's New menu. Click on a heading within the list. Click on the View button.
News Bulletins can also be displayed by double clicking on the heading. The News Bulletin display window will contain the announcement and inform you what the effective dates of the bulletin are.
Click on the Close button to exit the News Bulletin display window. Click on the Done button to exit the News Bulletins window.
Print A News Bulletin
Click on the News Bulletins menu item from the What's New menu. Click on a Heading within the list. Click on the View button. Click on the Print button within the News Bulletin Display window. Click on the OK button within the Print window.
Printing From the ARUBA System While using the ARUBA system, you may wish to print an order, a shopping list, or other item.
To print:
Click on the "Print" button. Click on the "OK" button in the Print Window.
Exit the ARUBA System Move your cursor to the "X" at the top right of your screen. You will be asked to confirm closing the program, and then if you wish to back-up your changes. It is advisable to back up your system at least weekly to ensure an updated record of your ARUBA transactions. Thank you for choosing ARUBA! |