
Why choose CaptureLink?
Uses any image Capturing Device
- Intra-oral cameras, digital cameras, flatbed scanners, digital radiography sources (sensors, PSP systems), digital pans.
- Any twain-based device.
- Not capture card specific
Saves time and reduces effort
- Print what you see on the screen
- Download iamges quickly to a PDA for presentation anywhere
- Calculates the number of x-rays taken as a gauge for slide replacement
- Icon notification for notes and annotations
- Virtual keyboard for entry of names without computer keyboard
- Links with most practice management software
Image enhancement is easy
- Automatic measurement calibration, grid onlays
- Zoom in/out, Spot magnification
- Colorize, black and white, emboss and equalize effects
- Sharp amd soft filters
- Brightness, contrast, image gamma adjustments
- Easily move, flip, resize and crop images
- Insert annotations and notes
- Images easily export to other enhancement software and import back again
- Insert annotations and notes
- Auto rotation
Includes many outstanding features
- Postion images on top of any third party charting program
- Create and save a library of custom templates
- Case slide shows with voice and music (Case Presenter)
- Unique algorithms dramatically reduce file size but no resolution
- Custom settings for optimization of image source equipment
- Accurate voice recognition for command input and voice output for image notations (no licensing fee, hardware independent)
- Instant e-mail interface of selected images
- Query method that speeds-up networks and releases overhead from server
- Separate databases can be created for each provider
It's customer-friendly
- Minimal training required
- On-screen help for each step
- Regular upgrades available
- No additional workstation fees
- No record or file size limit
- PIPEDA and HEPA compliant (Internal screensaver, password protected, locked database, modern high security encryption)
Integrate Scan-X with our exclusive captureLINK image management software for enhanced performance
- Easier to use than other systems
- Integrates easily into your existing x-ray equipment
- Eliminates the need for a darkroom, traditional x-ray processing equipment and fil
- Reusable, phosphor image plates are as comfortable to patients as regular film
- Produces substantially less radiation exposure to your patients
- Provides detail-rich diagnostic image quality
- Processes images in as little as 4 seconds that are available for viewing immediately after scanning
- Scan images for multiple patients simultaneously