High-Tech Equipment
Digital Radiography
Cone Beam CT
Intraoral Cameras
Air Abrasion

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Available exclusively from Henry Schein Ash Arcona

Why Cone Beam Technology?

Cone Beam 3-D images provide high-definition, three dimensional, digital data on precise anatomical information of all oral and maxillofacial structures.

• At reduced cost to the doctor
• With less radiation to the patient

Why i-Cat?

The i-CAT enhances the way Dentists see their patients.
Surgical Predictability – The i-CAT gives dentists the complete anatomical information on bone and pathology prior to surgery resulting in less trauma and more predictable surgical outcomes.

Navigational Predictability – The anatomically accurate i-CAT images allow dentists to successfully create surgical plans and surgical guides prior to surgery.

Distortion Free Measurements –
The i-CAT produces anatomically accurate 3-D images used to create precise treatment plans leading to the most successful surgical procedures.
Work Flow – The i-CAT takes 20-second open environment patient scans and, within minutes, the data is transferred to the workstation computer for the dentist to begin diagnosis and treatment planning.

Revenue Builder
– Dentists are able to generate increased practice revenue through the billing process of i-CAT scans. The average charges across the country are $300–$400 per scan.

Case Acceptance
– The i-CAT offers dentists a dramatic increase in case and treatment acceptance by allowing them to scientifically present information and diagnoses to patients.

For more information, contact
your HSAA Consultant
or visit www.i-cat.com

Benefits for the General Dentist Benefits for the Orthodontist Benefits for
Periodontists and Oral Surgeons
  • Select the most suitable implant size and type.
  • Achieve non-distorted and unmagnified measurements of the nerve canal height
  • Provides the ability to find buccal/lingual width
  • Provides complete 3-D information to optimize treatment planning and placement for implant surgery
  • Offers ability to locate critical anatomy and determine if bone grafting or sinus lift is warranted
  • Provides more accurate 3-D views of impacted molars, impacted cuspids, and other supernumerary anomalies
  • 3-D views of critical structures for complete TMJ Analysis
  • Assess airways and determine appropriate treatments
  • Information can be utilized in implant planning software and to develop surgical guides further driving implant surgery to the general dentist
  • Provides the most anatomically accurate images of the mouth, face, and jaw to determine proper diagnosis

i-CAT’s Optional Extended Field of View feature allows for a 22 cm. height scan, making it ideal for Cephalometric Reconstruction. Orthodontists are able to create a complete orthodontic work-up in one 20 or 40 second scan including:

     Cephalometics            SMV
     Supernumerary           Airway
     Panoramic                  TM
     Joints Impactions        Spinal

  • Enables location of impacted canines and supernumeraries
  • Ability to check for root resorbtion
  • In Class II or Overbite Patients you can determine the true reason for their mandible position
  • Accurately measures problems to determine proper diagnosis
  • Provide distortion-free 3-D views of critical anatomy surrounding the condyles
  • Achieve non-distorted and unmagnified measurements of the nerve canal height
  • Provides the ability to find buccal/lingual width
  • Select the most suitable implant size and type
  • Optimize locations and angulations for implant procedures
  • Visualize impaction within the alveolar bone, location relative to adjacent teeth, and proximity to vital structures
  • More accurate information resulting in less invasive surgery/decreased surgical time
  • Diagnosis of bone morphology, joint space, and function for TMJ analysis
  • High speed-scan for open jaw views
  • Provides complete 3-D information to optimize treatment planning and placement
  • Able to locate critical anatomy
  • Determine if bone grafting or sinus lift is warranted
  • “Team Approach” with Restorative Dentists and other Specialists

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