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Henry Schein Ash Arcona will help you create
                                      the dental office you've always dreamed of!

From start to finish, our team of Sales Consultants, Equipment Specialists, Design Professionals, and Technicians have the knowledge and expertise you can count on. We will listen, work with you and walk you through every step of the you can walk into the office of your dreams!

Before you get locked into a space that requires too many compromises, or flat out will not work for a dental office, get your Henry Schein Ash Arcona Sales Consultant and Planning & Design Team working for you.

The sole purpose of the preliminary design process is to make sure you get what you need. On occasion we create a design that, with some minor adjustments becomes the final design, but for the most part the first design becomes the starting point in a process of refinement. From the outset we are confident that you will see the benefit in working with the experienced and knowledgeable team at Henry Schein Ash Arcona.

This is where our understanding of dental equipment sets us apart from the others. This understanding of dental equipment is already part of the fabric that makes up your preliminary design and gets carried through into every set of construction plans we make.

You may know someone who's operatory flooring showed signs of wear after just a couple of years. Selecting the proper interior finishes goes beyond selecting colours; its about selecting the right product for the job that also provides a colour pallet you can work with.

Regulations you must comply with and may know very little about. We are here to help. Why should you have to figure out the primary barrier requirements for an intraoral x-ray machine for the one time you build your dental office?

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